Well, it has been a while since I posted. I try to go 100% raw, fail and try again.....
Due to stress in my life, I binge eat. I need to work on getting that under control. I bought lots of nice fruits and veggies today and plan on juicing tonight.
Work has been stressful. Layoffs....bad attitudes.... I like my work. I'm thankful for the friends I have at work too!
My stress is my husband and his constant battles with drug addiction. It has gotten to the point where I may have to move out of my house to get the message across to him that he is going to lose everything if he doesn't get his life under control. My leukemia doctor is amazed that I'm not much sicker than I am. I've only had minor health issues. Right now I'm on a daily low-dose antiviral for chronic mouth sores. Doesn't seem to be working.......
God is my strength. People who know me personally cannot understand how I tolerate the situation with my husband. Even that I'm still sane, which is debatable at times!
I find the internet to be a source of help for me. I have my CLL Forum with fellow leukemia warriors. I've learned about raw foods. I've also learned that the internet can be a scary place and one must be careful who they let enter into their personal life. I've had one bad experience that did not end well. However, I have had many, many more good experiences and have met many wonderful people. I've received a lot of support and encouragement during rough patches in my life - which seem all too frequent lately.
Right now a CLL friend, Stacie, is battling for her life. Please keep her in your prayers.
Please pray for my husband too that he finds the strenght to stay clean.....
Ibrutinib (Imbruvica): The "Magic Bullet"
10 years ago