Seems like my family is going thru a lot of trials lately. It can be very discouraging at times, but I have to remember that God has it all under control. At the end of this week, the 30-day notice is up for the guys in my FIL's house. Next we get a court date if they are not out. I know the lesson I've had to learn in this situation is to love my enemies and control my temper. I hear myself saying quite often ".....yeah, but, you don't mess with family!!!!" That's my justification for my temper. I need to sit back and be quiet and think to myself, "....yeah, but, you don't mess with God!!!!" Showing mercy to those that hurt us is hard, but it is not me they ulitmately have to answer to. God has shown me a lot of mercy. Now I need to practice it. Not that I'm to be a door mat, but these two guys living in my FIL's house are just lost souls with drug and alcohol issues. They think they are getting one over on us. I feel sorry for them. They are too young to be throwing their lives away like this.
Next is my financial situation. It's ugly and that's all I'm going to say about that. I know that God is my supplier.
And on a lighter note.......I'm down 32 lbs. I've been a bit naughty. Darn those chocolate cadbury mini eggs! Today I'm back on track. Three more pounds and I'll be at my halfway mark. Pretty amazing!
Ibrutinib (Imbruvica): The "Magic Bullet"
10 years ago