I weighed myself again today. I'm down 26 lbs! I am NOT hungry. I don't binge and I don't have cravings. It is truly amazing. I have never been able to lose weight on my own. I did Jenny Craig over the years twice with great success, but I would slowly put the weight back on.
This morning I was really stressing about the dead beats in my FIL's house. I've calmed down - thanks to Sally aka Justme! Words of wisdom from the Word of God. There is power in the Word! I would have not made it this far in life without knowing Jesus! I have peace.
Know what a diamond is? A lump of coal that has done good under pressure! I want to be a diamond!
Ibrutinib (Imbruvica): The "Magic Bullet"
10 years ago
Hello my friend! First off, 26lbs? That is totally incredible! I am so glad your feeling at peace now! Let's be diamonds together!
Is it Thursday yet????
Karen You are a diamond my friend..
you are doing fantastic. Keep up the good work and all will be revealed!!
Sounds mystical, but it is just plain hard work and persistence that wins this race ..
love deb
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