I've exchanged emails with a new cyberfriend who has a lot in common with me, CLLer, raw, young child! It's nice to find someone to share with and at the same time sad to find someone else facing the same circumstances of the disease. She encouranged me to read CrazySexyCancer. I've known of the blog, but have been afraid to read for fear of facing my own mortality. Denial. Something we all face with an incurable disease. But each day we have is a day to live to the fullest.
Now for "others"....... currently we have two dead beats living in my father-in-law's house. Two young men who were down and out. We let them stay at the house with the understanding that it was TEMPORARY. They were to pay a low rent so they could get on their feet. They have not paid us and are refusing to leave. In fact, they threatened us. We had to file a police report. Of course, there is nothing the police will do. I see a lawyer today to start the eviction process.....
Yesterday I got a few deliveries of raw foods I ordered. I ordered organic friuts - the bananas were a bit squished and bruised and one mango was not in perfect condition. The other fruits were pretty good. Not sure I'll order again, but it was an interesting experience. I got a wonderful order of dried fruits from another site - medjool dates - my favorite - like eating candy! I received mulberries from another site! I think I like them! Next I got very special raw chocolate bars! They are not the type that you sit down and eat all at once. Too rich, they are something to be savored. They are a very nice treat! I have one more order due today! Nori sheets! LOVE SEAWEED! Contact me if you are interested in the sites I order from. Eventually, I will post the links.
Ibrutinib (Imbruvica): The "Magic Bullet"
10 years ago
Hey Girl!
Kris Carr is opening crazysexy life.. the new forum.. it is so very very cool...you must come see and join!
I started a club for us leukemia people...called Leukemia-ites unite!
love your blog.. feel free to link to my blog from yours.. I will add you to mine..we are all one big family after all,
have a great day!
Hey Karen! Check out Mountainroseherbs.com
You shouldnt have to worry about fruits so much...maybe come in to the city on Saturday and stock up for the week. Dont put up with crappy bruised (OLD and not fresh) fruit.
Since you are in staten island, you probably have space to start growing veg. You might want to start seedlings around this time, or at least get the book "Square Foot Gardening" by Mel Barthalemew (sp?)...you could have everything super fresh and grown with love.
Check out the 4th st (btw 2nd and 3rd ) co-op or join the park slope co-op to get good fresh stuff as well.
Dont listen to that incurable crap either...you are no longer feeding the cancer cells...there i more hope than you could ever dream.
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