So, I have not blogged since March. I don't anyone missed me either! LOL
Much has changed in my life. In May, I left my crack addicted husband. I packed up my son and sent him for a week to family in Colorado while I packed myself up and moved. My brother has been kind enough to let my son and I live in his house. It's the house I grew up in that my great grandfather built. So, it's kinda cool for Tyler to hear stories about the family and growing up.
Due to financial difficulties, I have not been able to stick to a raw diet. It has been difficult and I know I feel 100% better when I'm raw. My goal is to start juicing again and making green smoothies. I am enjoying summer fruits! I will blog about my progress.
So, living in my brother's house. My brother is currently living in Monroe, LA on a contract job assignment. However, I do not have the house to myself. I have a housemate. A Geek in the Attic. I will not use his real name but call him GitA. He's going thru a separation with his wife ): Seems like we get along very well. Actually, I could not ask for a better housemate. We work well together. He's good with Tyler too. He's fixed the brakes on my car, got me into cycling, nagged me about finances (thank you, GitA). We have not experienced any pettiness of any sort either. Although, he makes fun of raw foods and we don't see eye-to-eye on what healthy eating consists of, we get along. If only you could see his idea of a meal!!!! It is very scary. His meals are prepared foods, frozen and microwaved......ewwwwww! LOL
I've joined a cycling club. I rode 22 miles yesterday and took a 4-hour nap. Could it be that I'm seriously out of shape? Which I am! Or CLL fatigue? Hmmmmm.....I'll just ignore it and keep on cycling! Love riding my bike!!!! I hope to save up for a real road bike for next year! How cool would that be???
So, I must give a lot of love and credit to my CLLC Forum Friends who have supported me and seen me thru some hard times with leaving my husband. I appreciate their bluntness and telling me like it is. I appreciate the women who have taken me on as a "daughter" needing motherly advice. All of you are way to young to be my Mom! I love each one of you dearly! Without you, I would not have made it this far.
I appreciate the Facebook friends who have reached out to me too. The encouragement is priceless.
Ibrutinib (Imbruvica): The "Magic Bullet"
10 years ago
I definitely loved this post..Thanks for sharing this with us..I am glad..Now i am your follower..Great..Unseen Rajasthan
Don't know that I see eye to eye with you about the whole raw food thing, but I'm not much for frozen and microwaved prepared foods, either. Somewhere inbetween there, I guess.
And wow, 22 miles? That's great! Hope you're able to get that road bike you're wanting. :)
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